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  • Colour lithograph poster depicting a face merging with a silhouette of a gun radiating blue lines. With title inscription in four languages (Spanish, French, English, Arabic).
  • Poster design with textured black brush strokes over red yellow and green showing a face with a headdress looking out between two abstract shapes. The shape on the right has the word 'ZIMBABWE' running vertically down in block-like letters.
  • Offset lithograph poster with the word Laos, depicting an explosion bursting forth from the letter O, to advertise a day of solidarity with Laos (12th October).
  • Offset lithographic poster advertising a day of solidarity with Angola, 4th February 1969, depicting a figure with a grenade on the forehead.
  • Colour offset lithograph poster with an image of a man in a hat holding a Cuban flag. Lettered with the date of the Day of World Solidarity with the Cuban Revolution (July 26), 1968 in English, French, Spanish and Arabic.
  • Turquoise and yellow background with line drawings of a group of children
  • Colour offset lithograph poster depicting with a Cuban flag and an image of Uncle Sam with a yellow lightning bolt through his head. Lettered in red in Spanish, Arabic, English and French, 'World Solidarity with the Cuban Revolution'.
  • Drawing of a man with short blond hair sitting with his legs crossed, wearing a light green suit, blue shirt and yellow and blue necktie
  • Offset lithograph poster on a white ground, with a black bow and arrow motif in a yellow circle with the title text in Spanish, French, English and Arabic
  • Black ink and pencil drawing of Thai dancers with orange, pink and yellow details
  • Poster depicting a solider holding a gun. He has vampire teeth and the top of his head is removed to expose a small man with spectacles sitting at a steering wheel, in place of his brain. The soldier's right shoulder is on fire and behind him are psychedelic patterns.
  • Colour offset lithograph poster depicting Richard Nixon with fangs on a multicoloured psychedelic background. The poster is double sided and can be folded so he appears without fangs on one side and with fangs on the other.
  • Offset lithograph poster with an image of a blue statue holding a machine gun in front of a yellow background