News from our friends, our collaborators and our team
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Bianca Wilcox, Max Fordham
Matt Schwab, All Things Studio
Lindsey Glen, Director
The Association of Illustrators
Tim Ronalds, Tim Ronalds Architects
Kirsty Sullivan, Quentin Blake Centre team
Myfanwy Tristram, Comics Cultural Impact Collective
Lily Ash Sakula, Illustrator
Jo Shallow, Quentin Blake Centre team
Jhinuk Sarkar, Illustrator
Grace Holliday, Illustrator
Olivia Ahmad, Quentin Blake Centre team
Lindsey Glen, Quentin Blake Centre team
Lena Yokoyama, Illustrator
Nina Chakrabarti, Illustrator
Claire Alexander, Quentin Blake Centre course tutor
Laura Copsey and Philip Crewe, Quentin Blake Centre resident illustrators
Sharpay Chenyuè Yuán, Quentin Blake Centre resident illustrator
Laura Copsey, Philip Crewe, Quentin Blake Centre resident illustrators