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Information on using and adjusting this website.

To talk to us about your access needs, request information or make a suggestion, call +44 (0)20 8150 7100 or email

Adjust word size and spacing, and highlight links on this website

Browser settings
You can change the way this website looks through your browser settings. The settings available differ from browser to browser, but most enable some or all of the following.

Change the font size
You can adjust the size of nearly all the text on this website by using the font size setting in your browser. This setting is found in the ‘View’ menu of most browsers.

Other text and colour changes
Some browsers allow you to change the default font and background colours you see. These settings are usually found in the ‘Options’ or ‘Preferences’ browser menus.

Use a ‘plain’ layout
Many browsers allow you to remove a website’s default design by turning off its ‘style sheets’. This setting is found in the ‘View’ menu of most browsers.

All our website’s pages have links to other parts of our websites. Some also have links to information on other websites.

Keyboard access
Most browsers let you skip from link to link using the TAB key. The current link will be highlighted in yellow. To move backwards, hold down SHIFT and press the TAB key.

All the images and video on our website have alt text.

Videos with audio are subtitled. Audio-only recordings are accompanied by transcriptions.

Downloadable documents are supplied in large-print formats.

Contact us
To talk to us about your access needs, request information or make a suggestion, call +44 (0)20 8150 7100 or email