Collaborations with our local community are shaping plans for our opening in 2026.
In 2026, we will open Quentin Blake Centre for Illustration in Clerkenwell, London. Ahead of opening, we are co-developing plans for our programmes and gardens with people in our local borough of Islington.
Families from The Parent House have been working with artist Matt Shaw and illustrators Joey Yu and Grace Holliday to design an outdoor play space for the Centre.
Illustrator Grace Holliday is facilitating a co-produced heritage project in partnership with The Peel and their adult social club. The group has been developing illustration techniques while exploring personal resonances with heritage. They have been diving into topics including architecture, natural spaces, food, music and traditions.
In the run up to our opening, we will be collaborating with Sapphire Independent Housing, Islington Centre for Refugees and Migrants, and Islington Fostering Families to explore illustration, heritage, and community connections.